Portraits From Buenos Aires
Portraits from some unforgettable days in Buenos Aires, the Capital of Argentina, in November 2018.
I asked people I saw on the streets if I could take some pictures of them. Nobody said no. The openness and kindness was something that I will never forget.
Seeing these faces makes me remember the voices, the smiles, the sounds and smells in the streets and the squares of the city. I can even hear the sound of the tango music of San Telmo, and it all makes me want to go back once more to beautiful Argentina.

This nice man was preparing the barbeque for an evening of neighborhood festivitas, and I got a great hotdog.

Dancer in San Telmo. A very elegant gentleman.

Three tradesmen from a marked place in San Telmo.

Another friendly tango dancer from San Telmo.

This handsome man waved me over and asked if I would like to take his picture. There was an instant connection and understanding even though my Spanish is scarce and his English non existing, but old men across borders and cultures understand each other.

They were selling her art on the market place and had been married for many many years. The bond was still strong and there was kindness in the eyes.

This handsome man was sitting in front of his house in the Boca quarter of Buenos Aires quite near to the famous Boca Juniors football stadium.

He was of Cuban descend and he told me that his father had been a part of the Cuban revolution in 1959 hence the tattoo of Fidel Castro to honour his late father.

Just a friendly man on the streets of Buenos Aires.

This elderly elegant gentleman was an incredible tango dancer and quite willing to pose for a portrait.